iBS offers a wide range of Hosting services that meet the needs of its customers, from Small Hosting to Premium hosting packages.
Small shared hosting is aimed at individuals and professionals looking for an affordable and reliable hosting service for their website and email. Premium hosting services are aimed at companies that want multiple websites and the ability to host their clients, delegating the responsibility of operation to iBS.
For iBS, the main pillar for the hosting services we provide is to offer a strong guarantee of uninterrupted operation and solid security, thereby providing our customers with the best possible cloud hosting solutions.
We have upgraded the majority of our hosting infrastructure to provide even more powerful, reliable and efficient means for our customers to host their projects. In addition, we have expanded our hosting solutions, providing dedicated CPU programs on Cloud infrastructure based on a Greek Datacenter. These complex extended hosting services were archived by our new partnership with Lancom Datacenters.
Our servers are equipped with tthe latest PHP 7 version, which allows for maximum performance and more efficient memory allocation and additionally improved security. Malware protection has been significantly improved, as stronger is provided spam protection ensuring email conversations are always secure and remain private over SMTP, IMAP & POP connections. You can wait for them latest hardware upgrades, we also offer even bigger storage options, more memory as well dedicated CPUs offering more real power and cores.
On our new hosting infrastructure, you can manage your website or websites via of the new Plesk Obsidian. A redesigned UI for a user-friendly experience and productivity, stronger web hosting security as Mod Security and Fail2ban are enabled by default, and a full suite of collaborative email features such as shared contacts, calendars, tasks, and archive files.
If you are looking for an affordable yet reliable and efficient way to host your website or online store, check it out Shared hosting plans, or if you need a more specialized and powerful solution, we have that too Dedicated hosting plans for all needs!