Dear Partners, We wish you Health, Love, Happiness, Dreams, Smiles, Creativity, Successes... these are just some of our wishes for this Christmas and the approaching new year. We will remain at your disposal until December 22, 2022...
Company News & Announcements for iBS, IT news and a lot of historical review with our doings.
Upgrade for our corporate website
We have completed the upgrade of our corporate website We have completed a small but essential upgrade of the functionality of our corporate website. The upgrades we have made so far had the main purpose: the best possible user experience for...
Summer Vacation 2022
Dear Partners, We would like to inform you that due to the summer holidays, our company will be closed from Monday August 15th until Friday August 19th. Specifically: From 8/8/2022 until 12/8/2022 our offices will remain closed and...